Quality Assurance
In order to guarantee a consistently high quality of our carboNXT products, we have established standardized processes and quality assurance methods. In cooperation with research institutes, testing laboratories and universities, we are constantly working on improving our production processes.
For each of our products we have defined different measurement procedures and characteristic values that ensure quality and meet our high standards.
Comprehensive documentation allows production to be clearly traced for each process step.
Initially, we assume a purity of our input material. Reference samples from various process steps enable us to draw conclusions about the origin of the starting material and to review the produced qualities at any time.
The scientific expertise of Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials is in demand in working groups, at events, projects and cooperations.
The CarboBreak project aims to understand the prerequisites and mechanisms for the release of alveolar fibrous carbon fibre fragments. Together with our project partners, the Federal Institute for Occupational Safety and Health, the Sächsisches Textilforschungsinstitut e.V. and the IMA Materialforschung und Anwendungstechnik GmbH, we investigate the fracture behaviour of selected types of carbon fibre as well as the release behaviour of respirable fibre fragments under mechanical stress. (The BMBF project 03XP0197 (CarboBreak) is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) via the Project Management Jülich within the framework of the program "NanoCare4.0 - Application-safe material innovations").
Network & Cooperations
Mitsubishi Chemical Advanced Materials is a member of Composites United e.V., which is network for companies dealing with the utilization of carbon fibers.